Recently I have received a lot of questions about what I do to stay healthy when I am constantly traveling. I'll just go ahead and be straight up honest with you... I am not a total health freak when it comes to my diet. If you have followed me on social media for any amount of time, then you have probably seen how I love my caramel iced coffee, and I obviously enjoy trying different foods from different parts of the country. Since we are on the road almost 15 days out of every month, it is needless to say that we eat out a lot.
Although I am not an overly strict person when it comes to food, and I'm by no means any type of health expert... I do have several tricks and health habits I try to stick with on the road to keep the pounds from piling up. Since I received several questions just this week, I thought it would be the perfect time to share some of my healthy habits for a busy lifestyle! Outfit details will be linked at the bottom of the post.
1. Try not to eat late at night more than twice a week
I'm just going to admit it... I love to eat late at night! I never crave salad or healthy foods for a midnight snack... Most of the time I want a burger and fries... and of course a milkshake too! For some reason when I eat late at night I have a whole lot less self control. Ha! It might be fun at the time, but when I wake up the next morning it always leaves me feeling a little "blah" and sluggish. So, when I'm on the road for a week, I try to limit myself to only eating at night once or twice. This can be tough if it is the same day as a concert because we usually have dinner around 4 p.m.... If I am absolutely starving then I will listen to my body and have a small sandwich... or lately I've been loving a honeycrisp apple for a healthy option if I can't make it into bed without eating.
2. Walk, walk, jog a little, then walk some more!
I do stick to a pretty good walking schedule. When I'm not on the road I don't like to spend time exercising very often since I don't get to spend much time relaxing at home. So, I've made traveling my designated workout time. Usually when we arrive at a concert venue (around noonish) I will throw my exercise clothes on and get in about 3 miles of walking/jogging with my sisters. This week we had five concerts, and I have logged about 15 miles of walking and jogging. Most of the time I just walk, but here and there I will throw in a mile or two of jogging. I'm not a super fast runner, but anything is better than sitting on the couch. I prefer to exercise outside... I use the MapMyRun app to keep track of my mileage... In the winter I usually switch to treadmill walking at a hotel or at home unless we are in an area with a warmer climate. I have logged about 300 miles per year for the last 3 or 4 years. It averages out to somewhere around 6 miles a week since I don't exercise as much at home.

3. Don't eat seconds
I like to eat hearty meals! Some favorites of mine are pork roast, mashed potatoes, corn, and rolls...I also love Mexican food (any Chipotle lovers out there?!) and PASTA! Try to be moderate in your portion sizes so that you won't be starving later, but don't allow yourself seconds. Once it becomes a habit, then it is much easier! I try to eat what is on the plate in front of me and then I'm done. I do make exceptions for special occasions... like Sunday dinner at my mom's house or holidays! 😉
4. Pass on dessert if you're not hungry
This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you aren't hungry after dinner try to pass on dessert. I do this most of the time on the road just because I know I'll be singing just a few hours after dinner, and there's nothing worse than singing with a full stomach!
5. Choose grilled over fried
I try to get grilled chicken sandwiches over crispy if we are doing fast food. I still love cheese sticks and french fries occasionally, but over all I try to choose grilled items instead.
6. Try not to let yourself get more than 3 pounds above your ideal/healthy weight
This is a trick I learned from my mom! If I gain a few pounds from eating badly I try to reign it in and watch what I eat a little closer for a few days. It's pretty easy to lose 2 or 3 pounds quickly, but it is much harder to lose 20 or 30 or more. I was overweight as a child and lost about 30-40 pounds when I was a pre-teen, and I don't want to have to do that hard work ever again! Keeping my weight within a small window makes it much easier than losing large amounts of weight.
7. Don't have an unrealistic weight goal
After losing a lot of weight as a young pre-teen I had unrealistic expectations of what my healthy weight was. This "perfect number" in my head left me eating much less than what was healthy for my 5'6"/medium frame body. After a few years of trial and error in my teen years I finally found a weight that is decently easy for me to maintain in my 20's while still being able to eat a good amount of food. I think the best way to find out a healthy weight for you is to read a doctor's weight chart for your height, gender, and frame size. Everyone is different so try not to compare yourself to other ladies (easier said than done!).
8. Find unique ways to keep moving
If we have a day off on the road I love to go biking, hiking, walking, or whatever is available in the city we're in. I have biked around Mackinac Island in Michigan, across the Golden Gate in San Francisco, biked from the Santa Monica Pier to Venice Beach in California, hiked in the Smokey Mountains, Grand Canyon, and Rocky Mountains, and walked many miles in lots of different U.S. cities. One of my favorite things to do is walk to a coffee shop with my sisters when we are in small towns for a concert. Use any free time as an opportunity to keep moving even if it's just in your hometown! Little bits here and there really can add up and make a big difference in your fitness level.
9. Find a workout partner
I almost always have someone with me when I'm working out. It makes the time pass much quicker, and it's just far more pleasant over all. Whether it's one of my sisters or my husband I enjoy working out so much more with a partner!
10. Moderation is key!
Another valuable lesson I learned from my momma! Moderation is key! Just face it... You're going to eat desserts, you're going to eat late at night sometimes, and you're going to miss days of exercising... Just try to make sure you're not doing these things the majority of the time. Also, try not to restrict yourself too much or you'll end up just giving up. In the end, if you eat and exercise in moderation (once again, easier said than done!), you will find it is much more attainable to keep healthy habits even if you have a busy lifestyle!

Photos taken in Santa Monica, California.
I've linked the exact running shoes and tee I'm wearing above, as well as the same brand of zip hoodie I'm wearing in a similar style. The skirted leggings I'm wearing are from Snoga Athletics. You can shop my exact pair
HERE. I sized down to an XS for a more fitted look, but could have easily worn the Small as well. I feel like they are pretty true to size. They are definitely worth investing in for the coming Fall and Winter months! I'm 5'6" and they hit right at the knee.
Thanks for reading my Healthy Habits for a Busy Lifestyle! Everyone is different, and I know the same thing doesn't work for every woman, but I hope these tips inspire you to make healthy lifestyle choices and to go outside and get moving!